Our journey to launch

Friday 30th April 2021  ·  By Antoinette & Nadine

Today is truly a full circle moment for us; 1 year ago, we made the decision to pursue something we had been talking about for so long. 

Figure 1: WhatsApp conversation between Nadine and Antoinette.

Every single weekend since the 8th May, we had regular calls to prepare us for this moment. The lockdown due to COVID-19 was instrumental in giving us structure, purpose and discipline to get things done. We had toyed with the idea of creating a jewellery brand together for so long, but for the first time it actually felt right. 

We started with the name... we wanted something that embodied the uniqueness of women, something that was symbolic of the fact that it was beautiful to just be yourself. It was crazy that without discussing it, that was the brand personality we both had in our minds. This would filter down to the actual jewellery - classic with a twist; same but different.



Figure 2: various name options we brainstormed.

The Notable Muse felt so right. It represented this idea of being effortlessly remarkable; notable meaning worthy of attention and muse meaning a source of inspiration. 

Figure 3: definition of 'notable' as in the Cambridge dictionary.

It was always going to be gold jewellery. We were both lovers of tasteful, unique pieces that were minimal but still stood out. This meant that a creative direction wasn't difficult. We began ordering samples on the 31st May 2020 and finalised the first collection on the 15th July 2020. 

Testing was so important to us; we wanted the pieces to be beautiful and durable. Anything that wasn't right was going back. We spend 6 months stress testing the pieces and checking which suppliers would make the cut.  

The amazing thing was the seamless blend of skills we both brought to the table:

"I always had a love for jewellery and previously working at a bespoke jewellery company confirmed this. It also gave me the skills and knowledge that have been instrumental in setting up The Notable Muse."

- Nadine

 "My passion and experience in Marketing meant that we were able to have laser focus when developing The Notable Muse brand. We have been able to create a clear voice and personality."

- Antoinette

We hope you can see the amount of care that we've poured into creating The Notable Muse. We're excited for you to join us on this journey as we launch new collections and continue to grow! 

Lots of love,

Antoinette & Nadine